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(+20) 100 211 4470

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ALFA Egypt offers you a wide variety of inspection tools for both Coating and welding inspection. ALFA Egypt provides various instruments from different countries and assures the quality of these devices.


We are Authorized dealer for DeFelsko gages, Micro-Metrics gages from USA, OKOndt group from ukraine and Paint-test-Equipment from UK.

We are also dealer for PCE instruments  and Guoou


To have a Look on our gages, Please select the required Manufacturer from the menu

عربة التسوق
عربة التسوق (0)
Holiday Detector
Paint Test Equipment
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Holiday Detector is a DC Holiday Tester for detecting pinholes and flaws in coatings on conductive substrates.

The Holiday Detector is available in three models: S4001 0.5–6kV, S4002 1–20kV and S4003 1–30kV.

Where coatings have to provide an effective safeguard against corrosion, it is essential that any pinholes or flaws that will eventually lead to corrosion are detected at the earliest possible stage.