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DeFelsko |
Replica Tape Reader to Measure and Record 2D/3D Surface Profile Parameters
Digital spring micrometers measure and record surface profile parameters using Testex Press-O-Film™ replica tape.
Create a replica by burnishing tape on a surface and insert into instrument. 3D imagery and 2D/3D parameters are displayed in seconds!
Reports common parameters: Ra, Rq, Rz, Rp, Rv, Rt, Rpc (2D), and Sa, Sq, Sz, Sp, Sv, and Spd (3D)
Ideal for field or laboratory use; flat, curved or irregular surfaces
Certified and traceable to an accredited national laboratory
Download 3D .SDF image files for analysis in included PosiSoft or third party software
Certificate of Calibration showing traceability to PTB (for H and HL only) and NPL (for Ra and Rt) included (Long Form)