

ALFA Egypt offers you a wide variety of inspection tools for both Coating and welding inspection. ALFA Egypt provides various instruments from different countries and assures the quality of these devices.


We are Authorized dealer for DeFelsko gages, Micro-Metrics gages from USA, OKOndt group from ukraine and Paint-test-Equipment from UK.

We are also dealer for PCE instruments  and Guoou


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PosiTest® LPD
Gauges, DeFelsko
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Low voltage Pinhole Detector for Metal and Concrete Substrates

Detects holidays, pinholes and other discontinuities in coatings on metal and concrete substrates.

GroundSense visibly reassures the user that the instrument is properly grounded

4 voltage output options conform to a variety of standards

Weatherproof, dustproof and shockproof - meets or exceeds IP65

Rugged, environmentally sealed enclosure

Two year warranty

Certificate of Calibration showing traceability to NIST included (Long Form)

Conforms to ISO 14654, ISO 8289-A, ASTM G62, G6, D5162, BS7793-2, NACE TM0384, SP0188, AS3894.2, JIS K 6766.